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Dial It In: Improvising With Watch and Compass

Did you realize that the difference between survival, discomfort and luxury will be so simple as turning a knob? Open any survival manual and also you’re sure to search out a crudely sketched drawing of an analog watch used to find out cardinal direction. This will be confusing or hard to interpret in case you’ve never come across the concept before. Using a compass as a watch isn’t discussed in field craft books, so it won’t even cross your mind as an option.

Thanks to Jacek Genega, a talented instructor and owner Wild Wildlife Survival Cardwe’re capable of watch demonstrations that make it easier to know these two skills.

Using the compass as a watch

Estimating time fairly accurately with a compass is certainly one of those lesser-known field skills, however it’s very easy to learn. Central to this idea is the incontrovertible fact that planet Earth must rotate 360 ​​degrees on its axis to make one complete revolution. Since it does this in 24 hours, each degree corresponds to quarter-hour (360/24 = 15). Assuming that is within the northern hemisphere, by aligning the orientation arrow on the compass with the southern tip of the needle, simply count the degrees towards the sun. This process could be reversed within the southern hemisphere. Each degree to the left of zero is quarter-hour subtracted from noon. Each degree to the best of zero is quarter-hour added to noon. But if that is too confusing, watch the Wildcard Wilderness video here:

Using your watch as a compass

This is an off-road skill that’s more familiar, but it’s essential to have an analog watch or a watch with digital watch hands capability. It boils right down to turning the watch in order that the hour hand points to the sun. With the hour hand pointing towards the sun, take a look at the space between the abbreviation and the number 12, then divide it in half. In the northern hemisphere, this centerline faces south. See it in motion here:

It ought to be noted that these usually are not precise ways to measure time or determine direction, but they are going to get you on the sphere. Knowing the time will be crucial when attempting to work out how long you’ve got been away and the way long you’ve until you are back, especially whenever you’re attempting to get back before dark. Knowing the direction you’re headed can prevent you from traveling in circles. Whatever the case, in case you forget a crucial piece of kit like a watch or compass, having these skills at your disposal can quickly turn a life-threatening survival situation into a gentle inconvenience.

More off-road vehicles from Wildcard Wilderness Survival

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