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Did You Know a Woman’s Voice Changes During the Menstrual Cycle?

A lady’s voice evolves throughout her life, from puberty to menopause. Like many other changes in women, it’s brought on by hormonal fluctuations.

Did you know that a woman's voice changes during the menstrual cycle?

Last actualisation: April 07, 2023

Yes, that is true, A a girl’s voice changes in the course of the menstrual cycle. Changes are most noticeable during menstruation and ovulation.

Changes in a girl’s voice in the course of the sexual cycle are as a result of the influence of sex hormones on the larynx and vocal cords. Like the cervix, the larynx has receptors for sex hormones and is at risk of change in response to physiological changes throughout the cycle.

It is identical changes in the degrees of assorted sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and androgens) which are also involved in emotional changes, irritability and other changes.

Understanding the menstrual cycle

Women with regular menstrual cycles normally have about 28 to 30 days of recurring changes. Hormones show cyclical changes and are divided into two phases: follicular and luteal.

Follicular phase

Menstruation marks the start of a latest menstrual cycle and initiates the follicular phase, which ends with the onset of ovulation. From this moment, the luteal phase begins, which lasts until bleeding.

In the primary days of the follicular phase, estrogen and progesterone levels are low. This combination causes the cells of the uterus to shed, resulting in bleeding or menstruation.

However, estrogen increases step by step until day 14, when estrogen peaks and ovulation occurs. In the follicular phase, the egg matures and ovulation occurs .

The menstrual cycle is so named due to regular repetition of the phases, every 28-30 days.

luteal phase

After ovulation, the luteal phase begins. Generates the potential of pregnancy. If fertilization doesn’t occur, the egg is rejected at the top of the cycle.

During ovulation, progesterone stays at a kind of low level, but then rises above estradiol levels. It stays so until the top of the menstrual cycle.

Estrogen and progesterone levels in several phases

During the premenstrual period (days 23-28), menstrual period (days 1-4) and postmenstrual phase (days 5-10), estrogen levels predominate but are usually not as high. In the center of the follicular phase, until ovulation (days 13-15), they reach their maximum concentration.

Progesterone levels, then again, increase after ovulation and last until the premenstrual period (days 15-28).

Find out which hormones affect the menstrual cycle?

How does the menstrual cycle affect a girl’s voice?

Changes in the feminine voice in the course of the menstrual cycle are as a result of the influence of fluctuating levels of estrogen (dominant in the primary phase) and progesterone (primary within the second phase). The motion is exerted on receptors present within the larynx and vocal folds.

Hence the hormonal fluctuations cause changes within the mucosa, vascularity and mucus production within the vocal folds. On the opposite hand, hormones also make it harder for the nerve signals which are sent to the vocal folds to achieve.

Estrogens modify a girl’s voice because increase the secretion of mucus from the glands above and below the sides of the vocal folds. This provides greater viscosity and facilitates mobility. In addition, they increase the permeability of capillaries, promoting oxygenation of tissues.

It occurs within the follicular phase, near the ovulation period.

Then, within the progesterone-dominant phase, the veins dilate, the vocal folds swell, and fluid retention occurs. You may notice congestion, swelling of the vocal cords, the presence of microvarices, and even bleeding.

How do hormonal changes manifest themselves in a girl’s voice?

During the progesterone-dominant period, a girl’s voice tends to be thickerdeeper, thicker, rougher, more broken and even monotonous. This is as a result of water retention.

When there’s a gradual increase in estrogen levels, excess fluid is eliminated, resulting in a clearer, higher-pitched voice, with the power to achieve higher pitches and maintain the next vibration and frequency. We would say that the voice seems to sound more attractive.

Singers know thoroughly that their voice will not be the identical throughout the month.

Learn more: Estrogen: a necessary hormone for girls

A lady’s voice evolves throughout her life

From childhood to menopause, a female voice is affected by hormonal fluctuations. During puberty, the consequences of estrogen and progesterone cause the voice to deepen.

During menopause, as a result of the decrease in estrogen and progesterone, there’s a discount within the range and frequency of the voice. It becomes hoarse and deep, with difficulty reaching the high notes, and vocal fatigue appears.

There can also be the so-called premenstrual vocal ensemble. In this syndrome, related to progesterone levels, there’s fatigue, reduced range, lack of power and a few harmonies.

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