In addition to having a plan and purpose for every of us, He also endows each of us with spiritual gifts. These spiritual gifts could be utilized in each secular and church settings to empower believers and non-believers alike. It is vital to know the way you and your partner are connected so that you would be able to use these gifts in one of the best possible way. The Bible lists various spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 AND Romans 12. While these usually are not the one spiritual gifts God uses, that is an amazing place to begin in the event you are unfamiliar along with your gifts. Additionally, you should purchase spiritual gift inventories online and in printed form. They are just like the exams held in schools years ago. These inventories consist of a set of multiple-choice questions. Fill within the bubble with the proper number the way you rate this gift. For example, the query may be, “I hear from the Lord through visions and dreams, and I feel called to share this message with others.” This statement would correspond to the gift of prophecy. You must answer depending on how much you relate to this statement. The answer can range from “probably” to “never”. Then add the numbers using the grid on the back. The gifts with the very best numbers are the closest to how you’re gifted. While it isn’t an absolute authority on the matter, it gives you an excellent idea of what spiritual gifts you might have given to your personality, passions, and inclinations.
If you have never made a listing of spiritual gifts before, this is usually a very refreshing process for you. It is exciting to find God’s unique pattern in your life. Understand that nobody is presented such as you. Nobody can do what you do. You were placed on this earth for a reason, and spiritual gifts are a part of that. By taking the test, you’ll determine whether missions or evangelism are part of those spiritual gifts. If you’re feeling called, however the missions didn’t come as a spiritual gift, don’t fret. Pray together as a pair. Ask God to substantiate this calling in your life in a way that is apparent to each of you.
Image credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/BrianAJackson
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