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The best way to manage different generations

Instead of singling out a certain cohort for special treatmentAccording to Morency, a greater idea could be to teach employees about what all generations want at work, referring to Randstad’s recent campaign to teach customers concerning the similarities and differences between age groups.

“The goal for me was to not delve into the query, ‘Why are millennials like this?’ it was more about where they arrive from, what their social, historical background is… their very own expectations or needs and understanding how different their triggers could be, their expectations of the workplace, other values ​​they value.”

Start with an open mind when embarking on the sort of learning, she said, to counter the prejudices that each one people have.

“When programs are created with the mindset of ‘Let’s understand these differences higher so we will higher meet the needs of talent’, then this system could be helpful to me. If it’s to bolster some negative prejudices or preconceived notions a few generation, it would not be very helpful.”

Diverse experiences

Although today’s millennials make up the vast majority of the workforce, Morency said, they’ve very different experiences in comparison with older generations.

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