Weapons and characters in Warhammer 40k Darktide have received some needed fixes in the most recent update, which is now available. The latest Darktide patch, which updates the Warhammer 40k co-op game to version 1.0.25, fixes and modifies each of the 4 Darktide classes and adjusts several weapons, fixing some visual bugs and balancing the damage dealt.
Some character class changes are fixes: for instance, the Ogryn Skullbreaker’s “intimidating presence” aura was applied as a multiplier, not a modifier. This skill is speculated to add 10% to melee attacks and may now work accurately.
The Psyker also received a number of tweaks: stun should now not interrupt psychokinetic abilities, and using Brain Burst should now not increase the Warp charge cost. Psionics should now not give you the option to focus on dead enemies with Kinetic Overload.
For Veterans, Counter Shot will now properly increase the damage done to enemy weakspots by an extra 25%, and using this ability or Sustained Fire will now not refresh Volley after killing an Ogrin.
Fatshark says it’s going to share information later this week on the changes it’s making to the Darktide crafting system, Sier Melk Exchange, and Armory Exchange.
Here are the total Warhammer 40k: Darktide Patch Notes for Update 1.0.25, Courtesy Couple:
Blessings, Feats, and Abilities:
- Fixed a bug where Skullbreaker’s “Intimidating Presence” was a multiplier as an alternative of a modifier.
- Skullbreaker Upgrades:
- Decreased the damage reduction from “Tough as nails” for every nearby downed or incapacitated ally from 25% -> 20% (max 75% -> max 60%)
- “Hard as Nails” now only counts allies inside 20 yards.
- Fixed a difficulty with “Raging Bull” where only the second attack was empowered and can now trigger on all melee attacks.
- Raging Bull bonus damage reduced from 5% -> 2.5%
- Added a HUD icon to the “Hard as Nails” Skullbreaker feat.
Blessings, Feats, and Abilities:
- Preacher Fixes:
- Increased the Stamina bonus from “Blood Cleanse” from 50% -> 75%.
- Decreased Stamina damage reduction from “Restored Faith” from 75% -> 50%.
Blessings, Feats, and Abilities:
- Fixed a difficulty where the associated fee of ‘Warp Charge’ was incorrectly increasing when using ‘Brain Burst’.
- Fixed a difficulty where psychokinetic abilities were sometimes interrupted by stun.
- Psychokinetic fixes:
- Increased damage bonus from Warp Siphon by 3% -> 4% per Warp Charge
- Warp Siphon charges will now step by step decrease
- Increased Brain Burst damage and stun by 10%.
- Increased the damage taken by the goal from 15% -> 25% when using “Cerebral Lacerations”
- Fixed a difficulty where “Kinetic Overload” could goal dead enemies.
Blessings, Feats, and Abilities:
- Fixed a difficulty where “Counter Shot” was not increasing the damage of weak spots by an extra 25%.
- Fixed a difficulty where “Counter Shot” and “Keep Fire” would refresh “Volley” after killing an Ogryn.
- Increased the reload speed from Speedload Blessing from 0.04 -> 0.14 on highest rarity.
- Sharpshooter Fixes:
- Increased the sturdiness replenished by “Exciting Takedowns” and “Covering Fire” from 10% -> 15%
- Increased the quantity of stamina restored by Duck and Dive from 20% -> 30%
- Smoothed out the animations and removed shaking from the Columnus Mk II Auto Rifle, Graia Mk IV Auto Rifle, and Agripinaa Mk VIII Auto Rifle when transitioning between Special Weapons and Hipfire.
- Fixed a difficulty where weapon stats weren’t affecting the Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun when firing directly after reloading.
- Fixed a difficulty where basic attack damage stats were displayed when using the M35 Magnacore Mk II
- The plasma gun showed lower values than actual damage.
- Fixed a difficulty where the Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe was not triggering “Bloodthirra” on all attacks.
- Fixed a difficulty that would cause a crash when performing one other stab attack with the Blaze Force Obscurus Mk II Sword and quickly switching to a ranged weapon.
- Changed the damage of all Ripperguns against Carapace Armor from 0.01 to 0.05.
- Foe-Rend Mk V Ripper Gun and Foe-Rend Mk VI Ripper Gun damage modified from 200,400 -> 250,500.
- Increased the Foe-Rend Mk V Ripper Gun ammo count to be compatible with the Foe-Rend Mk II Ripper Gun and Foe-Rend Mk VI Ripper Gun.
- Changes to the Lorenz Mk V Kickback:
- Base reload speed increased by 35%
- Increased the damage modifier against Carapace Armor from 0 -> 0.05
- Increased damage to Maniacs from x0.9 -> x1.0
- Ranged Cleave increased from 1.5 to 2.5.
- Base ammo stock values increased by 5
- Increased minimum effective range to five -> 8 and maximum effective range to eight -> 15.
- Krourk Cleaver Mk VI and Krourk Cleaver Mk IV now deal increased damage to Flak Armor (from 0.8 -> 1) and Armor Armor (from 0.05 -> 0.25). Flak Carapace and Resistance stab attack damage increased from 1 to 1.1.
- Krourk Mk IV Cleaver’s second heavy attack sweep speed increased by 30%. Chain time to second heavy attack from other actions is reduced by 0.15s.
- Fixed a difficulty where special weapons couldn’t be used while blocking for all cleavers.
- “Brunt Special” Mk I Bully Club Movement speed of two Heavy Attacks increased by 30%, and the time to succeed in it from other actions is reduced by 0.15s.
- Tweaked the Orestes Mk IV Chain Assault Ax to make the primary heavy attack a bit more horizontal, allowing you to chop through more enemies.
- Changes to the Vraks Mk III Headhunter, Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun, and Agripinaa Mk VIII Headhunter Autogun:
- Increased damage to armored Flak enemies from 0.75 -> 1.0
- Increased damage to Relentless enemies from 0.75 -> 1.0
- Reduced the horizontal recoil and made it easier to handle all three rifles
- Increased the hit power of the Agripinaa Mk VIII Headhunter Autogun from 9 to fifteen
- Increased the common magazine size of the Vraks Mk III and Agripinaa Mk VIII Bounty Hunter autocannons to 40
- Increased the Vraks Mk VII Headhunter autocannon average magazine size to 30
- Increased the damage and impact of Orestes Mk IV Assault Ax Heavy Attacks and allowed it to deal damage to yet another goal while cleaving.
- Increased Stab Continuation Attack offset speed by 20% and reduced chain time to dam by 0.33s to attack by 0.05s.
- Fixed cases with the Krourk Mk VI Cleaver, Krourk Mk IV Cleaver, and Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet where certain attacks could miss the enemy with a swing when standing very near them.
- Increased Lorenz Mk V knockback damage range from 850-1150 -> 900-1350.
- Fixed a difficulty where Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword’s Thrust Shot applied “Bloodletting” more often than intended.
- Fixed a bug where Trivia with Endurance perks would add +1 as an alternative of the right amount.
- Scab Shooter fixes:
- Shot damage reduced by 20%
- Base aiming time before shot increased from 0.2 – 0.45 to 0.3 – 0.5 (reduced by difficulty)
- Base shot cooldown increased from 2.0 – 2.5 to 2.25 – 2.75 (reduced by difficulty)
- Fixed clipping issues with the Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force staff.
- Fixed trinket orientation issues.
- Fixed clipping and texture issues with veteran cosmetics.
Corrections and corrections
- Fixed a difficulty where the “Untouchable” and “On Overwatch” penalties weren’t unlocking as expected.
- Added a change in order that players with faster machines will now not need to wait for players with slower machines to complete loading before starting a mission.
- Fixed bots to not prioritize resurrecting other downed bots if there are too many enemies around them.
- Tweaked client settings for subtitles to set them up properly at startup.
- The “Completed” status is now accurately localized in all languages for Sire Melk Contracts.
- Fixed Warzone Warzone displaying a bit too eagerly.
- Conditions that grant additional rewards are actually displayed on the mission board (added to the full reward for the mission objective).
- Implemented additional shields to deal with a difficulty where HUD markers for items and interaction points weren’t aligned to their correct locations.
- Reduced the input hold time for skipping cutscenes.
- Added a popup dialog that explains if that you must restart the sport after applying the brand new settings.
- Item trading (discarding) now requires you to press the hotkey again for every item.
- Recently played with users on Steam are actually displayed in recent games on Steam.
- Improved button hints for controllers for actions in loadout view.
- In the inventory screen, equipping a weapon now not returns you to the loadout view.
- Notifications of recent items added at the tip of a mission will now be displayed when returning to Mourningstar.
- Fixed a bug that left players in slow motion in the event that they skipped the slow motion video while playing.
We’ve got you covered when you’re searching for tips about how you can kill a Darktide Daemonhost, or when you’re searching for all of the Darktide Grimoire locations for special rewards.