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How to Travel the World While Putting Nature First

Some tropical hotels connect consumers to the character around them – often even the food shall be sourced locally.

Nature-positive tourism can also be about bringing people together in communities that may protect nature. In Colombia, for instance, that they had a terrible problem with drug trafficking and were attempting to shift their economy to a peaceful economy based on tourism. Actually, former FARC guerrillas became guides. And in South Africa, where rhino poaching is an actual big problem, many organizations, including government agencies, private game reserves and safari shelters, are encouraging people so local communities can make more cash protecting their rhinos. We also see this in Rwanda, where the federal government is working with local communities to reclaim land that has been converted to agriculture, to rebuild a number of the forests where gorillas live.

There are actually many green investments where individuals are planting mangroves and restoring reefs which were damaged by development. So it isn’t nearly protecting, but additionally about rebuilding. I’ve just been to a resort in Bali that uses 3D printers to print corals and plug them back into places to begin restoring the reef and protecting fish stocks.

If you might be a hotel, you have a look at where the energy comes from and the way to buy energy that has been obtained in a more sustainable way. Another concern: where do you purchase your food from? Is it imported?

The hotel doesn’t exist in isolation. It is provided by many individuals, and after they source things, the vehicles they use needs to be eco-friendly. The goal is to attempt to spread the sustainability footprint throughout the provision chain, from transportation to food, energy and water.

The solution have to be in any respect levels. It needs to be run by the federal government. It needs to be driven by the industry. And after all, each of us as individuals needs to be mindful when traveling and asking questions and questioning standards. In hotels, you haven’t got to vary sheets and towels on daily basis. If hotels have plastic, ask why. In a hotel with little plastic bottles of shampoo, email the hotelier and say, “You could have done higher.” Buffets generate lots of food waste. So it’s a lot of these things and customarily being a conscious traveler.

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